We believe that real estate investing should be accessible to everyone.

High Altitude Capital is a dynamic investment firm specializing in real estate projects with a focus on achieving exceptional returns.

We accept investments of any size, and are committed to personalized strategies and investor empowerment. High Altitude Capital helps clients with any level of investment experience navigate and capitalize on the real estate market.

Whether you're taking your first steps into real estate investing or seeking to expand your portfolio, High Altitude Capital offers the expertise, local knowledge, and hands-on management to help you reach new heights in your investment journey

Maybe you already know that real estate could be your path to financial security and wealth, but you don’t know where to start. 

You’ve heard that you should diversify your investments, and you've seen success stories and understand the potential of real estate investing, but the terrain seems daunting and unfamiliar. 

Questions swirl in your mind: Where do you begin? How do you navigate the complexities of property selection, financing, and management? The desire to invest is there, but the knowledge and confidence to take that first step feel just out of reach.

Maybe you're a seasoned investor, well-versed in the potential of property markets but your time and attention are stretched thin.

You recognize the unique opportunity to invest in Colorado, but lack the local expertise and hands-on capacity to capitalize on it fully. You need a dedicated partner who can be your eyes and ears on the ground, managing every aspect of your investments. 

You're looking for a team that can move swiftly through deals, closely monitor renovations, optimize financing, and drive towards outsized returns – all while you focus on your broader investment strategy. 

In either case, this is where High Altitude Capital comes in.

Founded by Charles Harrington, a veteran of high-level business and finance, High Altitude Capital is either your gateway to the world of real estate investing, or your trusted local ally who can amplify your investment power in this dynamic market. Whether you're a complete novice or an experienced investor looking to expand your portfolio, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

At High Altitude Capital, we don't just provide investment opportunities - we empower you with knowledge. We're committed to educating our clients about real estate investing, from market analysis to property management. Our goal is to drive real estate investment performance for both inexperienced and sophisticated investors, while creating a new generation of savvy investors who understand the power of real estate in building lasting wealth. 

We identify and execute deals that align with your personal financial goals.

Book a free consultaiton with High Altitude Capital to Start your Ascent.